STU - Steel Tube Umbilicals

Steel Tube Umbilicals (STU)

Steel Tube Umbilicals (STU)


Prysmian Steel Tube products are ideal for situations where their ability to operate in environments with high temperature and operating pressure as well as resistance to corrosive agents are needed. This suits them to deep water and long lay-off applications.

The use of duplex and super-duplex stainless steel tubes instead of the traditional thermoplastic hoses allows for fast response times and prevents of fluid permeation. In addition, stainless steel resists corrosion that might be created by high temperature and pressure fluids.


Prysmian’s investment in R&D and the expertise of our technical team allows us to offer tailor-made solutions that fit our customers’ specific needs while minimising application risks. Our R&D laboratories can validate results of analytical and numeric models developed in partnership with leading universities. Every product is simulated, tested and validated in our facilities either for dynamic or static application.


The combination of an advanced test laboratory and a wide selection of analysis tools, means we can offer high quality engineered solutions that will significantly reduce risk.

High quality as a must; Prysmian STU state-of-art technology allows us to design compact and optimized product cross-sections by using pre-shaped fillers for the interstitial spaces meaning our solutions are cost effective and competitive.